Government/Sensitive Proposals

Unfortunately, many of the proposals I have written or collaborated on contain sensitive business information. I have worked on RFP/RFI/RFQ proposals for small and large government agencies, multinational sporting events, and confidential private businesses. These proposals ranged from a few pages to over 100 pages long.

RFP Response: Technical Proposal

This proposal recommends specific options for developing the client’s training. It also proposes a software and its technical specifications. I collaborated with the Sales, Custom Development, and Product teams.

Capabilities Proposal

This proposals describes the vendor’s capabilities related to the client’s questions and stated needs. This proposal was created from template language and edited so that it addressed their specific needs.

Proposal: eLearning Mobile Game 

Because of my knowledge of gaming, I collaborated with a third-party designer to create a solution. I wrote the proposal with the Sales team, and then presented the solution to the client during the proposal review.

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